RATP-GI (RATP – Gestionnaire Infrastructure) and SNCF-Reseau decide on the scheduling of maintenance and development work on the Ile de France network, each according to its own scope.
IdFM may be asked to give its opinion on the scheduling of this work and, if necessary, to propose alternatives or changes that are relevant in terms of the impact on users or the timetable to modernise the Transilien lines.
The reliability of the network has a significant impact on the non-availability of public rail transport.
Transurb’s Mission
Through 3 missions, Transurb brings its technical expertise in the field of railway infrastructures and works to achieve the following objectives:
- Mission 1: Analysis of the relevance of adapted transport plans during the construction phase
- Mission 2 : Programming of works on the IdFM network
- Mission 3 : Audit on the maintenance policy carried out by the infrastructure managers on the existing IdFM network